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Dessert Time!


a) Choose a dessert recipe and make it 

Choose a dessert recipe to make. Try one with dairy products.  If you and your family do not consume dairy, choose something with diary substitutes and alternatives.  Use the links above or a recipe from your family! See recipe links below.

b) Learn about the local dairy industry

c) Compare nutritional value of dairy products and dairy alternatives


Find out about DAIRY PRODUCTS, use the attached MILK HANDOUT on Teams.  And please answer the questions for this section. Start with the video below. 

BC at the Table - Dairy Video (12:00) {Click here} 

Harvard Medical School: Dairy Health article (click here) 


1)  What are the main nutrients of milk and dairy products? (Refer to Milk handout attachment, and weblinks.) 

2)  Describe something you learned about local, British Columbia dairy farms from the video.

3)  List 5 different types of dairy products.

4) What are some reasons people do NOT consume dairy?

5) There is a trend towards not consuming diary in today’s society. List 3-5 reasons against dairy products. What do you think?  Discuss.  


Cook your chosen Dessert Recipe 

a) 2-3 process photos
b) 1-2 final product photos
c) Include yourself in at least 1 photo

Anthony family Show and Share: 

Chocolate Pudding:  

Mise en place for chocolate pudding 

A double boiler with a heat proof bowl and boiling water in a regular pot below.  Dry ingredients stirred together. 

Add 60 ml of cold milk to form a thick paste. Stir until it is smooth. 

Pre-heat milk in the microwave to quicken the process of heating cooking pudding.  Gradually pour milk into pudding. 

I LOVE chocolate pudding, but maybe I will try BLACK SESAME next!



Mango Pudding Video: 


New York Style Cheesecake video: 


Creme Caramel, Baked Custard: 

Creme Caramel Mise en place 

Cook caramel: CAUTION, VERY HOT! 

Pour into the bottom of ramekins or containers for caramel to harden

Whisk eggs, milk and other ingredients to make baked custard

Bake custard at 350F in a water bath for 30 minutes.  Cool and chill. 

Un-mold, flip upside down, Garnish, ENJOY! 

It's Your Turn: 

Recipe Links: 

Chocolate pudding Video Recipe (click here)  

Hersheys Quick Creamy Chocolate Pudding Recipe (click here)

Joy of Baking Vanilla Pudding Video Recipe (click here)

Mango-pudding Video Recipe (click here)

Anna Olson New York Cheesecake Video Recipe (click here) 

Vegan Dairy free cheesecake (click here)

Easy Creme caramel (Click here)

Creme Caramel by Anna Olson Video Recipe (click here)

Basic Creme Caramel Recipe (click here)

C) SHOW and SHARE:  Make your DESSERT Recipe

Make your choice of a dinner dish recipe, show at least 4-5 process and final product photos.  Please include your lovely self in at least one photo.  

D)  TURN IN:  

 Cooking Self-Reflection
a) I learned:



    b) I liked:  

c) It was challenging when:

d) Would you make this recipe again? 

E. Parent Clean up Checklist:  
Thank You parents, for supporting your child develop cooking skills!
Please underline to choose

a) Dishes & Equipment:                  Emerging/Developing/Proficient/Extending 
b) Counters:                                     Emerging/Developing/Proficient/Extending 
c) Floors:                                          Emerging/Developing/Proficient/Extending  
d) Process & Final product:           Emerging/Developing/Proficient/Extending  

My child was responsible for clean up, and I am satisfied.    Yes/No

Comments: _________________________________________________________



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