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Our New Normal with Online Cooking Classes!

Welcome Back to Skills Explorations 9/10 

Hello Everybody, 

We certainly did not anticipate returning to term 3 with on-line classes.  I am hoping that you are safe and healthy.  I will be sending out a student/family survey to help me better plan our classes and labs soon.

YES, you read that right, we will still be having online cooking labs! 

I would like to show you what I have been cooking at home during Spring Break! I have been doing LOTS of cooking because we have been spending SO MUCH time at home due to Social Distancing! I have cooked with my children, because just as with you, I would like them gain life skills and experience the satisfaction of cooking and baking snacks, and meals for themselves.

Picture of my son and 2 friends (brothers) in North Vancouver, Deep Cove.

During this Pandemic, it has been reinforced to me how important it is for all of us to learn to cook and develop skills in the kitchen!  I hope that you have been able to use your cooking skills to help your family.  Perhaps some of you have found comfort in cooking or even showing off your culinary skills!  Have you tried any new recipes?  Or any of the recipes we made in class?  It is my hope that you will become independent and confident cooks!

Please send me some pictures and a short description of recipes you have cooked or baked this Spring Break.   If you were not in the kitchen, show me pictures of what you and your family have been eating!  Please email me at or use Office 365 TEAMS to share them with me.

Here are pictures of my cooking adventures during Spring Break with my Children:


Lucas helped make breakfast that day, they take turns with kitchen duties and clean up in the daily duties.
These are Welsh Cakes.  I made them for over 20 years ago, and found a recipe online.  They are traditionally made with  currants, but since I didn't have them, so I substituted with dried cranberries and raisins.

Welsh cakes can be served with butter or fruit preserves, similar to a biscuit or scone, but cooked on a griddle/frying pan instead of baked.  They were delicious!  See the recipe below, feel free to try it at home.  Check out the King Arthur Flour Website!


This is crusty Artisan bread that we turned into garlic toast to go with home made clam chowder.  The soup was so delicious, we didn't take a picture! I have been making my own Sourdough starter and bread.  I will share more with you soon! 


 I have been excited about GROWING SPROUTS, and getting ready to garden!  I can't wait to share more with you about my gardening adventures!  Yes, those are the beginnings of teeny-tiny home grown bean sprouts, then growing sprouts, and the final sprouts that we ate in Noodle Soup! 


My son made his first Beef Pot Roast dinner in the Instant Pot, browning the meat, then adding diced onions, and the rest of the vegetables.  Do you have a slow cooker or instant pot?😊

Sauteing and browning the meat, adding onions, and the remaining vegetables. 

Chef James! 


Regular Banana Bread and Healthy Banana Muffins with barley, quinoa and whole wheat... and of course, brown sugar, chocolate chunk topping! 


SALTED CARAMELS from the book "Gather"  The book is by David Robertson of the The dirtyapron cooking school in Vancouver. 

 I read this gorgeous book cover to cover our first day off!  My kids made the caramels all on their own, without my help!  I was very proud of them.  However, they have been SNEAKING a lot of them these last 2 weeks! 

Thank you DIRTY APRON for the wonderful recipe! 

Candy Factory

The boys, wrapping their salted caramels. "One for the tin, one for me...."  We wrapped them 2 days later, and they stuck to each other.... so remember, if you make confections, wrap them immediately after they are cooled and cut!

Millonaire Shortbread  

My 12 year old made these shortbread cookies, layered with caramel and milk chocolate on top.  

{Shhh I was SNEAKING them when they weren't looking!}  I think they should be called Million Calorie Shortbread because they are so addictive!

That's all for now, Bon Appetite! I can't wait to see what you have been cooking up!  

Please stay safe,  Happy Cooking! ~ Mrs. Anthony :o) 


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