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South East Asia Tourism Project

South East Asia -Great Places to Start Tourism Research --Weblinks: 
 (Connor Sullivan Traditional Indonesian Food) (Indonesian Street food Mark Weins) (Jakarta Street food, Food Ranger)


     (Malaysia Street food Jonker Walk) (Gordon Ramsay Helps prepare food for a Malaysian Dinner Party/  Gordon’s Great Escape)

·        Computer Lab for dates:  day 1: ____Jan 29______   day 2:___Jan 30_____
·        This is the third region/country students will be researching different aspects of for the tourism module.  Aspects will be rotated after each unit for every country we research.

UNIT: ____
Historical Areas/ Landmarks  

UNIT: ____
Geographical Regions/Agricultural Products  
Accommodation/ Currency/Festivals   
Getting Around/ Transportation/ Languages  
UNIT: ____
Historical Areas/ Landmarks  

UNIT: ____
Geographical Regions/Agricultural Products  
Accommodation/ Currency/Festivals    
Getting Around/ Transportation/ Languages  
UNIT: ____
Historical Areas/ Landmarks  

UNIT: ____
Geographical Regions/Agricultural Products  
Accommodation/ Currency/Festivals
Getting Around/ Transportation/ Languages  

Handout Guidelines on Tourism Research (Indonesia/Malaysia/Singapore)
·         Reliable Sources --> at least 2 sources, cited as well
·         Country/Region/City --> tourism bureau website a good start
·       Each students are required to contribute a MINIMUM of 5 slides per presentation (this must be indicated by their name on the slide) - If presentation is incomplete or group members absent on presentation date their work can still be evaluated
·        Presentation Format – PowerPoint, share it on office 365 or GOOGLE Slides 
·         Visuals
·         Bullet form with key points
·         All members present (everyone should say/contribute something)
·         5-7 minutes per group to give about 30-45 min presentation in total for the class
·        Reminder – Presentation due Date: __Jan 29/Jan 30 __   (Time for fine tuning and additional research)
·        Let students know that on presentation day will be the only time they can present.  
·         Students may start their research projects with some websites:  by going to  (Mrs. Anthony’s blog) for helpful weblinks.


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