Snacks & Canada's Food Guide I don't know about you, but since I have been spending so much time at home, due to Social Distancing, I have been feeling more SNACKY being at home. These Snack Foods may be enjoyed SOMETIMES, but a regular habit of these over a long period of time can be harmful to our health! Usually, when we have many tasks such as school, work, errands, exercise, getting outside, visiting friends, it is easier to eat healthy. Too many unhealthy snacks will cause unhealthy weight gain and establish unhealthy eating patterns. Watch the fascinating video below to find out more about the Marshmallow test! The Marshmallow Test! (click here) Delayed Gratification video & Willpower: (6:08) In case you are wondering what all this has to do with your Skills Explorations Foods class? The are related to the BC Ministry...