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Showing posts from April, 2020

Snacks! Snacks! Snacks!

                  Snacks  & Canada's Food Guide I don't know about you, but since I have been spending so much time at home, due to Social Distancing, I have been feeling more SNACKY being at home.     These Snack Foods may be enjoyed SOMETIMES, but a regular habit of these over a long period of time can be harmful to our health!  Usually,  when we have many tasks such as school, work, errands, exercise, getting outside, visiting friends, it is easier to eat healthy.  Too many unhealthy snacks will cause unhealthy weight gain and establish unhealthy eating patterns.  Watch the fascinating video below to find out more about the Marshmallow test!  The Marshmallow Test! (click here)     Delayed Gratification video & Willpower: (6:08) In case you are wondering what all this has to do with your Skills Explorations Foods class? The are related to the BC Ministry of Education's Core Competencies of Personal Awareness & Responsibility:   Cor

Bread n' Butter Photography Assignment

                           Bread n' Butter  Bread and Butter:   1.  noun  A  vital   component  of  something.   Bread   and   butter,  as  foodstuffs,   are   considered   basic   forms  of  sustenance. A  flourishing   stock   market  is  the   bread   and   butter  of a  successful   country. 2.  noun  A  job  or  task   that   provides   one   with  a  steady   income. I'm  an  artist  on  the   weekends,   but   being  a  tutor  is my  bread   and   butter.                                                             ~ Source:  The free Idiom's Dictionary  The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought our society Back to Basics!  It is evident that NEEDS and WANTS have to be re-evaluated by everybody.   YET.... Some of us feel the need to express ourselves, we want to CREATE with friends, and family, we want to CONNECT!   Here is your chance, and this is the lesson to give you the tools to bring out your culinary artist and to share it with

Easter Hot Cross Buns - Long Weekend Challenge Assignment

Easter Holiday Hot Cross Buns, traditionally eaten after Lent or Good Friday, to celebrate HOPE, RENEWAL and LIFE!  Photos:  Courtesy of Kevin Clark Studios  Photos:  Courtesy of Kevin Clark Studios  Christians fast, or give up rich foods, or sacrifice something to imitate the suffering of Jesus Christ's crucifixion.  Christians world wide celebrate Easter as a religious holiday.  In celebration of the end suffering, and Resurrection Day, when Jesus was raised from the empty tomb. Treats such as eggs, chocolates, rich foods like Hot Cross Buns and cakes are enjoyed to celebrate hope and new life!  Sweet Easter Treats! A. TASK:  Make a Festive/Easter Bread  Hot Cross Bun Recipe (Click Here) B. EXPLORE:  Internet Links and Articles: Anna Olson's Video: Hot Cross Buns Italian Easter Bread Video, Epicurious Wikipedia BBC Recipe for Hot Cross Buns Easter Holiday Passion of Christ Festival Breads Around the World Theschizochef-hol

Breaking the Fast! What's Cracking?

             Skills Explorations Students,    BREAKING NEWS!  (Assignment:  Due Friday April 17th)   Do you miss going to McDonalds?  We can all thank the COVID Pandemic for the  Secret Sausage McMuffin Recipe!  Follow the link at home to make this for Breakfast at home! The versatile and humble EGG!     Eggs are great for breakfast because they provide an egg-cellent source of low fat protein!   Quail Eggs:   They have a very long shelf life, keep well refrigerated, make beautiful garnishes, quick breakfast or easy snacks when hard boiled. A.  TASK  Choose a Breakfast recipe and prepare/Cook an eggs for breakfast.  Recipe may be one that is suggested by the teacher or one of your own choice.  B. EXPLORE  (See Websites below) Egg Theory Questions:  1.  Does colour make a difference to nutrition?  2.  How can you tell if an eg